TOWN BOASTS FINE HISTORY Ranked One Of Prettiest Towns in Northern Maine
PATTEN, Aug. 22-Patten is taking a full week to celebrate the hundredth-anniversary of its incorporation as a town. A program with something planned to please all ages and all tastes has been planned by an efficient program committee, Mrs. Ida Harrington and her assistants, Mrs. Cecelia Allen, and Mrs. Mae Merrill.
The program opens Wednesday afternoon at 1 p. m. with a chil- dren's parade. This is strictly for the children, a doll carriage and tricycle parade, and is limited to children under twelve years. Mrs. Claire Nevers has charge of the parade,BOWES PROGRAMThis will end at the Founders Memorial, and will be followed at 2 p. m. by a Major Bowes program. all contestants are to be children under 15 years. This is not limited to local children, those of sur- rounding towns may enter if they so desire. Miss Vera Finch has charge of this part of the program.At 3 p. m. will come the Baby Show, with Mrs Jennie Bates at the head of this committee.Also at 3 for those who prefer sports, comes the first ball game of the week, when the local team plays the Lincoln Rexalls.At 8 p. m. in the Stetson Mem- orial Methodist church the pictorial history of the town will be shown.Thursday is planned for the big day of the event. This will open. with the grand parade at 9.30 a. m., led by the Houlton Boys Band and their drum major and majorette. One of the outstanding features of this parade will be the number of old conveyances, and methods of travel. Ransford W. Shaw of Houl- ton, widely known for his interest in the early history of Northern Maine, will be present and will give a short talk on some of these stage coaches, etc.Dr. and Mrs. Butts of Passadum- Ikeag will be another feature of the parade with their oxen. Mrs. Butts not only drives these oxen, but has a two year old steer she rides bare- backed.BAND CONCERTThe afternoon program opens with a band concert by the Houlton Boys band, and is followed by the dedication of the new com- munity center. Founders Memorial. Sen. Wallace H. White will be the guest speaker, and will be introduced by Hubert Nevers, chairman of the Founders Memorial commit- tee. There will be a vocal duet by Miss Linda Jones and Billy Jones, and tap dancing by Mrs. Glenn Me- Graw's pupils, as a part of the afternoon program.Friday will be another day when representatives from the Penobscot Indians will present a pageant. Those who were privileged to see any part of the pageant presented. at Old Town, as a part of their Golden Jubilee celebration, will certainly make plans to attend this presentation. The group will be headed by Princess Watawaso, and Chief Poolaw, who were co-directors and co-stars of the Old Town presentation.Following the pageant will come a ball game between Howland A. A. and the local nine.The pictorial history of the town. will be shown for the second evening at Stetson Memorial Methodist church at 8 p. m., and will be
followed by the dedication ball at Founder Memorial, with music by Rod Palmer's Band, one of the most popular dance bands of this section.Saturday will be entirely devoted to sports. The morning program will open at 9 a. m. and the con- tests planned include log sawing, log chopping, greased pig and greased pole contests, a three-legged race, sack and potato races.SOFTBALL GAMEThe afternoon program opens with a softball game between the girls of Sherman and those Island Falls, and is followed by baseball, when the Old Town Advertisers meet the local boys.The ball game for Sunday has not been announced as yet, but there will be a band concert at 4.30 p. m., followed at 5 by a Community service. Rep. Frank Fellows will be the guest speaker. There will be a vocal duet by Miss Linda Jones, and Billy Jones, and one of the out- standing numbers will be a vocal solo by Frederick Newcomb, the words of which were written by Dr. G. F. Woodbury of this town.The evening will close with a community sing led by Mr. New- comb.LEGION DAYMonday, Labor Day, will be Amer- ican Legion day here. A big horse pull will be the chief morning at- traction, with purses of $50, $25, and $15. The afternoon will open with a parade, followed by a guest speak- er, and a ball game between Island Falls A. A. and Patten.Patten Grange will also hold its annual fair and agricultural exhibit on this day, at the Grange hall, and the day, and the week will close with a grand exhibition of fireworks.In addition to these dated events, the carnival of Pine Tree Stäte shows will be in town for the week, and other events are being planned so there will be something going on every hour of the day.One of the most interesting and most important sections of the cele- bration will be the historical exhibit which will be shown in the main room at Patten Academy in charge of Caleb W. Scribner. New additions to this are being made daily, and it undoubtedly will be one of the chief attractions of the week.