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lowest costs per mile in the heavy loading districts, which comprises 44 states. Other firms bidding were Midland Construction company, Chicago; H. L. Wheelden company, Bangor: Kenworthy and Taylor, Everett, Mass., and Hugh L. Cole- man company, Great Barrington, Vt.



The group bidding plan of wiring is being used to wire the stockholders' home. This plan is a systematic program for wiring a number of farmsteads at one time by one con- tractor. The contractors made their bids on four types of wiring: knob and tube, non-metallic sheathed cable, armored cable, and conduit. There were 11 contractors submit- ting bids on wiring installations. The lowest price submitted was accepted by the cooperative and sections were assigned, as follows:

Section 1, which includes the Waters road, Frenchville road, Happy Corner road, and part of Route 11, was assigned to R. W. Williams of Bangor.

Another Bangor man, F. H. Wheelden, was assigned section 2, which includes the Shin Pond road.Section 3, which includes the Aroostook road as far as the Owls- borough road and the Owlsborough road to the Shin Pond road, was assigned to Harold Stuart of Wy- topitlock.

Section 4, which comprises the Aroostook road, Route 11 from the mouth of the Owlsborough road to Knowles Corner, the Batesville road, and a part of Route 212, was as- signed to H. M. Jones of Lincoln.

Frank T. Platt of Kingman was assigned to section 5-the lower Smyrna Mills, Clark Settlement road, and a part of Route 212.

Section 6, which includes the road from Patten to Island Falls, the upper Crystal road, Retreat road, and Christian Hill road, was as- signed to Paul Kelley of Island Falls,

H. J. McTaggett of Belfast was assigned section 7, which is made up from Route 11 to Sherman Station, the Siberia road,the Estabrooke road, and the Kelley road,

A third Bangor man, Leon Stone Michaud, was assigned the eighth and lassection, which includes North street in Sherman Mills, Gallison road, and Route 2 through Silver Ridge.



At a meeting of the directors April 3 the following people were voted in as stockholders in the co- operative:

George Allan, Linwood Anderson, Theresa Anderson, Everard Bates, Frank Bates, Verné Beverly, Francis Brawn, Fielder Botting, Harvey Brewster, Colen Campbell, Ronald Campbell, George Chapados, Arthur Chute, Ed Clark, Chauncy Condon, Ralph Conley, Donald Coady, Daniel Crowe, Charles Cunningham, Francis Cyr, Fred Finson, George F. Flynn, Colby Fogg. Charles Gagnon, Loren D. Gerow, Bert Gerry, Clarence Getchell, Linwood Glidden, Wilbur Glidden, Edwin Goodwin, Victor Goodwin, Clarence Gould, Norman Grant, Ida Harrington, Elton Harris, Ivory Heath, Charles Howard, Eben Howard, Mrs. B. W. Howe, Charles S. Hulbert, Fred G. Huston, Herbert Kennedy, Louise Kennedy, Laura Kilgore, John S. Lougee, Fred Main, Stanley Main, Sylvester Main, Leo Marquis, Clinton McArthur.

Hadley McDonald, Augusta McEwen, Charles Merry, Dennis Michaud. Don Mitchell, Willis Myrick, J. Hal Patterson, Adelaide Plumber, Deborah Ranks, John T. Robinson, Elbridge Rockwell, Carroll Sargent, Maynard M. Sholler, Walter Splan, Elbridge Stackhouse, Marion and John Steen, Jasper Stevens, Wilton Stubbs, Fred Thibodeau, Nicklos Tavarras, Harry B. Welsh, John H. Welsh, Pearl Welton, Jasper Weston, Beecher White, John White, Oley D. White, Thurman Willett, John Willigar; and William Yerza.

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