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With the town's Centennial celebration drawing near this rhymed history of the town will be of interest. It first appeared in the "Katahdin Herald" a local paper published in 1916-17. Older residents will remember this paper as a local one published during that period.

1. Who once owned the land on the west side of Main Street?

2. Who on the east side with him did compete?

3. Built for his family the first framed house?

4. Came on horseback to join her spouse?

5. Kept the first tavern and welcomed each guest?

6. In the new burying-ground was first laid to rest?

7. Tell us the names of the first bride and groom.

8. The very first cook stove was brought here by whom?

9. Wheres the first schoolhouse? Who kept the first school?

10. Who was the first baby born in Patten to rule?

11. Who used to make boots and shoes so fine?

12. Who had the gold fever in Forty nine?

13. Whom do we associate with Trout Brook farm?

14. Who drove. the stage, half asleep, yet came to no harm?

15. Who for some years administered the law?

16. What soldiers brave were prisoners of war?,

17. Who brought spring water from Finch Hill?

18, Who baked his watch, the witches to kill?

19. What good old doctor did much for our schools?

20. What boy was an expert with wood-working tools?

21. Whose best monument is our beautiful shade trees?

22. What crusty old tailor came from over the seas?

23. Who first indulged in a sewing machine?

24. Who abandoned candles for kerosene?

25. Whose piano was first brought into town?

26. Whose harness won more than local renown?

27. In whom did one Mason ac knowledge his trust?

28. Whose automobile first raised the dust?

29. Who built a cheese factory where the academy is now?.

30. Who was out searching for his famous "blue cow"?

31. What milliner realized wealth untold?

32. What stage driver boasted of barrels of gold

33. What Frenchman lived all alone from choice?

34. Who for a time quite lost his voice?

35. What doctor planned taking his gun along?

36. What lumberman told him wherein he was wrong?

37. Who shot off his hand while watching for bears?

38. Who harnessed his cows and forgot his cares?

39. Who led the singing in the Baptist choir?

40. Who walked thirty miles because of her ire?

41. What soldier boy left our Post but his name?

42. Who, quite broken-hearted, a hermit became?

43. Who lost his life while at work driving logs?

44. Who tried with hot water to exterminate frog?

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