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A Day In The Life Of Patten 8/21/1926


Items About Those Who Are Coming in and Going Out of Town.
(From our Regular Correspondent)

PATTEN: Aug. 20 Mrs. Philena Woodbury has been called to Sherman by the death of her sister, Mrs. Temple Perry on Wednesday, Aug 18 after a long illness.


Miss Portia M. Oberly of Washington, D. C, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lore A. Rogers, at Lower Shin Pond, where the Rogers families spend part of every summer. Col. and Mrs. L. B. Rogers are at their camp with their daughter, Mrs. Angus McLean of New York City, Richard Elliott and his friend. Reginald Jones who rode bicycles from their homes In Montreal, P. Q., are at the Elliott camp where Mr. and Mrs. Elliott are due In a few days.


L. G. Barrows of the Republican Stale Committee, John Wilson of the Republican County committee and former Sheriff Fernandes were in town on Tuesday calling upon Howard Wood, republican candidate to the legislature from this district, and also awakening interest in the 'Whirlwind Tour of Republican candidates who will be In Patten, Aug. 27 at 8:30 a. m.


Mr. and Mrs. Bernie McAvoy are entertaining as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Miller and daughter of Old Town. 


Mrs. George Mahan of Stacyville and her guests, Mrs. Henry Mahan and Mrs. Linnehan of Ellsworth, Thomas Hoctor and daughter Winifred of Stacyville were guests of Mrs. C. W. Scribner on Wednesday afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Boynton and son Billy of Millinocket and guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Overy, Kathryn Overy and Mrs. Freeman Rowe of North Falmouth, Mass., were among the out-of-town people at Shin Pond on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Overy drove from their home on Cape Cod to attend the New England convention of Grange lecturers at Orono, Mrs. Rowe coming with them to visit relatives and former neighbors in Millinocket and Patten.


Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gagnon, their son Bernard and daughter Cecilia motored to Bangor on business Wednesday, returning that night. Quite a delegation from Patten attended Masonic Field Day at Lincoln on Thursday.


C. E. Carlisle and Miss Eva Carlisle are at their camp at Shin Pond for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Evan Carlisle and son Ellis of Plainville, Conn., as their guests. Mrs. Julia Main and her son Isaac Main have returned to East Lynn, Mass., after several weeks in this vicinity.


Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Kinney and son Aaron of Dover-Foxcroft, Rev. and Mrs. Charles L. Kinnel and son William of Caribou and their niece, Miss Faith Sanders, returned missionary from Natal, South Africa, were guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Burtt on Monday, Aug. 16th. Miss Sanders has been in Africa twenty-three years. Her father, Rev. Herbert C. Sanders and mother. Rev. Ella E. Sanders, two sister and two brothers are also active missionaries. Miss Sanders is on furlough for a year and at present is visiting of as a the relatives in the State of Maine


Pearl G. Cunningham of Old Town spent the weekend at Shin Pond with his family who are at the Gagnon camp for the month of August and was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sibley, Kenneth Sibley and Mrs. Ralph Brown of Old Town.


Mrs. Addie Shedd her son Robert and daughters Alice and Mildred, Mrs. Danforth and daughter Marguerite, all of Waverly, Mass., are spending their vacation at Camp Eureka, Shin Pond. Mrs. Shedd is a cousin of. Thomas Drew and Arad Philpott and on Tuesday the party from the camp and the Philpott and Drew families made the Mt. Chase trip. On Wednesday Robert Shedd and Rexford Asher left for Mt. Katahdin going by way of Millinocket.


After spending a two weeks’ vacation at home, Lloyd Knowles returned Monday to Boston where he holds a position with the Bristol Patent Leather Company.


Mrs. Armstrong of Sussex, N. B., Is visiting her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wyle.


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